Health Mail Vol.2 Issue 2 Title : What are Miasms? 1/1
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What are Miasms?

Hahnemann noticed that some of his patients didn’t respond properly to treatment, as if some block had been encountered.
He concluded that the blocks were due to underlying chronic disturbances, which had become part of the patient’s constitution. The disease pattern could even have been in the patient’s family for generations.

Hahnemann identified types of chronic disturbances or miasms. Each miasm describes certain predispositions that characterises the sufferer.
Initially 3 miasms were identified - Psora (scabies), Sycosis (gonorrhea) and Syphilis. Later Cancer and tuberculosis was thought of as miasms.

In some ways it was unfortunate that Hahnemann was to choose the names that he did for the miasms. Having the miasm Syphilis doesn’t mean that the patient has syphilis rather that there is a predisposition to a pattern of decay and deterioration. In the same way, Sycosis is not gonorrhoea but a state of overactivity and Psora describes slow development.


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