Health Mail Vol.1 Issue 3 Title : Brushing – Help for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dispraxia 1/1
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Brushing – Help for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Dispraxia

Brushing is a technique that very few people seem to have heard of. However, most people have heard of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.
Signs of ADHD to look out for in children are
  1. hyperactivity
  2. aggressive behaviour
  3. very short attention span
Behavioural therapists are now turning to the practice of Brushing, which is a technique based on reflexes.
For human reflexes to develop normally they have to progress through several stages:
  1. -foetal
  2. -primitive
  3. -adult
If the normal sequence of reflex development is interrupted, the affected child may fail to grow out of his or her primitive reflexes.
Factors, which can interrupt normal development, include -
  1. Shock or stress in pregnancy or childbirth
  2. Toxicity from lead or pesticides
It is possible to mimic the movements of these reflexes and eventually make them progress to the next stage of development. This is done by gently stroking sites on the face and body with a brush and by practising specific exercises. The nervous system is encouraged to mature and there is a significant change in behavioural patterns.

More and more parents are turning to Brushing for their ADHD children as there are no drugs involved and it is totally painless.

For further information:
  1. For more information from a practitioner on Brushing, contact Robert Allen in the UK:
    +44 (0) 1420 520525 or +44 (0) 7968 046794

  2. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Family Support Group UK can send out information if they are provided with a large SAE. Address: 1a The High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4DL (Tel: 01373-826045)

  3. Web site of ADHD Information Centre (UK)
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