Health Mail Vol.1 Issue 2 Title : Caffeine Drinks: What They Contain 1/1
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Caffeine Drinks: What They Contain

CUP OF COFFEE 300 ml 50 mg none
LIPOVITAN 250 ml 53 mg 950 mg
RED BULL 250 ml 80 mg 1,000 mg
SOLSTIS 250 ml 75 mg 1,000 mg
RED DEVIL 250 ml 80 mg 1,000 mg
VIRGIN HI-ENERGY 250 ml 81 mg 650 mg

Professional sportsmen are being warned that they may fail drug tests if they drink too many concentrated caffeine energy drinks containing high levels of caffeine.
The maximum amount of caffeine allowed in urine samples by the sports authorities is 12 micrograms per millilitre.

Drinking 8 to 10 cans could take certain athletes over the limit, depending on their build.

Most of these energy drinks also contain taurine, an amino acid that stimulates the heart. This amino acid is found naturally in the body. The body does not produce enough taurine in times of extreme physical activity. However, there is no evidence so far to suggest that large doses of taurine have any harmful effects.

Source: London Newspaper 'Metro' – 10 Feb 2000: 'Red Bull drink risks footballers' careers.'



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